CSV file format for import and export
The application can import collections from files and save collections to files.
You can create files in a text editor that supports UTF-8 encoding.
For Windows OS, you can use popular text editor Notepad++ or similar.
The collection file, like all other * .csv files, consists of rows, and rows – of columns. Each line corresponds to a flashcard. Use a TAB to separate columns
The meaning of the column fields in the order of the following:
- A word or phrase in the studied language
- Translation into the student’s native language
- Transcription
- Usage example or comment
- Flashcard type
- Only the first 2 fields (word and translation) are required. You can skip the rest.
- You can skip one, two, or three last columns.
- You can skip one column from the middle of the row, for example, column 3 (transcription). In this case, you must separate columns 2 and 4 with two tabs.
- Flashcard type is encrypted with an numeric code: 0 – “word”, 1 – “phrase”, 2 – “rule”. If you skip it, it defaults to “word”.
wait ждать, прислуживать wˈeɪt
I see your point. Понимаю твою точку зрения. 1
write down записывать, излагать письменно I'll write down the address for you. 0
break - ломать break, broke, broken Формы глагола 2
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